
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


Home Page

Sun Bear - Reception

Welcome to Sun Bear Class

We are named after Shristi the Sun Bear.

Showing solidarity and that we care in all that we do. 

Being in solidarity is recognising others as our brothers

and sisters and actively working for their good.




Jelly Bean Prayer


Red is for the blood you gave, 

and black is for the empty grave. 

Yellow is for the shining sun, 

white is for the new life begun. 

Green is for the grass and trees 

and purple is for your majesty. 

Orange is for the edge of night, 

and pink is for the morning light. 




Welcome back to Term 6 and our final term together as Sun Bear Class.

We hope that you have had a lovely half term and

enjoyed some fun days even though the weather was a little wet!

This term we will begin a new topic that looks at different modes of transport and compares

different climates. We will also look at how we have grown and changed and begin transition activities to support our move into a new year group and new class environment. 

Forest School will begin on Tuesday mornings.

Don't forget to click on the Learning Log star and Learning Journey star where you 

can find more information

about the different things that we will be exploring.

We always celebrate learning from home

in the classroom so do send in Learning Logs and 

any large scale creations are always welcome. 


Mrs Handford and the Sun Bear Team

Key Information - Term 6


Our PE Day is still a Thursday this term. Please wear PE Kit to school every Thursday

Please wear velcro trainers - no shoe laces please 

Balance Bikes will continue on a Wednesday for 4 more weeks.

Please bring rain coats and wellies to school. They can stay in school and will be

sent home at the end of the school year or if they become too small sooner. 

 Please click the Learning Log star below

or look inside your Learning Log books for your Home Learning. Learning Logs will be sent home at the end of the school year for you to keep as a memory. 

***Please read the weekly school newsletter on our website and follow our school Facebook page to keep up to date***  

Please bring Reading Records to school every day. Reading books are reviewed every Tuesday and Friday. The books may not be changed as children benefit

from re-reading a book to support their learning.

Please visit Aylesham library to find other books that spark your child's interest and help to develop their love of reading. 

Please check that all cardigans, fleeces and jumpers are named.

Please name everything! 


We love to hear about your child's acheivements outside of school.

Please send pictures or bring in certificates eg: swimming, football, dance, cubs, rainbows.






Easter craft fun

World Book Day

Baking gingerbreads. We mixed, poured and stirred the ingredients together. Delicious!

Kadinsky inspired art and maths. We are very proud of the final piece. We needed to think about size, shape and the different colours.

We have created Dear Zoo story maps to help us remember the story.

We have been creating actions to retell Dear Zoo

We have baked bread just like the little red hen but we helped each other, shared and waited our turn. It was delicious!

We have retold the story of the little red hen

We have looked at mass and compared objects that are heavier, lighter and the same. We can be human scales!

We have been exploring capacity.

Photos 2022-2023

We can recognise and create a double using different resources. We have explored how many times we can roll in a double in 1 minute.

Balance Bike sessions have begun. How to start, stop and glide.

We have been exploring how to make seven in different ways.

We have found different ways to combine 2 groups together and then checking we are correct. We are very good at subitising small groups to count more quickly.

We have ordered the Numberblocks and added the correct numberling by explaining who is bigger than who.

We have been learning head, shoulders, knees and toes in Lithuanian.

Designing and building a bridge to help the gingerbread man across the river. We are engineers and have made some very successful structures.

I wonder what would happen to the Gingerbread man if he had tried to swim across the river? We have made predictions and carried out a test to see if we were correct.

How can we make a nest to protect an egg? Can it withstand wind and rain? We have designed, built and tested these questions in our whole school KCSP Science day.

World Book Day was brilliant! Sharing stories, talking about our favourites and having fun in our costumes.

Shrove Tuesday. We have loved making and eating delicious pancakes topped with sugar, lemon or syrup.

Cooking our own gingerbread. We hope they won't escape from the oven!

A gingerbread has escaped from the oven this morning! Where did it go? We looked high and low but so far we cannot find it anywhere. ..

We have celebrated Chinese New Year - The Year of the rabbit

Creating story maps to retell our story of Owl Babies.

Learning our story 'Owl Babies' through role play.

Kick starting the new year rediscovering our outside areas.

We have written Christmas cards to our families and posted them.

Dear Santa story map innovation

Miss Gifford surprised us with her pet stick insects! We have found out what they eat and how they move.

Dear Santa story maps are underway.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ...

A very cheeky elf has arrived in Sun Bear class. He brought wrapping paper, cards and sticky tape.

Odd socks were everywhere today. They helped us think about kindness and what is different and the same about each other.

Dress up as a rock star day. TT rock stars ready!

Poppy Art exploring shape, space, positioning and colour.

We have been finding different ways to hold a static balance

We have explored patterns and art with our loose parts collection

Creating welcome signs in the languages we speak at home.

We have explored building towers that are longer, shorter and the same size as each other.

Exploring our Autumn collection.

As part of our black history learning, we have been exploring Mae Jeminson. She has been inspiring us to follow our dreams and never give up.

Exploring and learning.

Problem solving as a team and working out new ideas and rules together.

We are very proud of our designs and building.

Our first full week together exploring, playing and learning.

Our first few days as Sun Bear Class

We have been on Mr Gumpy's boat exploring new vocabulary to describe the waves and water.

Boat making and stain glass window natural art,

Wingham Wildlife Fun

Following our interests with a dinosaur small world.

Money week - exploring coins and paying for petrol.

Forest School fun

Jubilee cupcake making!

The sunshine has brightened our day. We have learnt about staying safe in the sun, drinking plenty, finding shade and wearing sun hats.

So much teamwork and problem solving this week.

Some of us made an obstacle course and the whole class joined in! Teamwork!

Where does our food come from? Bread making and tasting.

Our St George's Day shields

Our first Balance Bike session was so much fun! We have explored ways to travel and stop safely.

The Easter Bunny has visited us!

World book day celebrations!

Mental Health Week - exploring ways to be calm and relaxed. Yoga fun!

Bird watching and nest building in Forest School.

Winter Olympic preparations and celebrations

National Story Telling Week - we have shared our stories without books this week. We are storytellers!

We have been combining 2 groups and checking the amount using a ten frame.

Exploring musical instruments and creating a class band.

To help us understand different ways to make 5 we played a game to see how many bean bags we could throw into a hoop. We recorded our answers.

We have explored how the sun gives light and energy and helps our food to grow.

Thank you Kent Fire and Rescue for teaching us how to stay safe and the importance of smoke alarms.

This week we have discovered that squares and rectangles have 4 sides and 4 corners. We have created shape pictures using these shapes. Our favourites were trains and castles!

Our paintings inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Our Christingle service.

Inspired by the book 'Sky Colour' we have mixed colours to create our Class mural.

We have listened to music from around the world and compared the same song in French and English.

Forest School - A nature hunt, building with natural resources and a fire with marshmallows.

We have had fun today learning about and celebrating Children in Need

Our listening walk! We listened carefully and recorded what we could hear inside and outside.

We have explored Diwali and created our own Rangoli patterns.

Our author visit from C.S. Clifford. We loved listening to his stories and joining in too.

People who help us! The St Joseph's hospital in action.

Performing our poems of the term with Year 1

Matching our Wellington Boots to sort them into pairs.

Fantastic forest school! Bug hunting, wand making and noticing the first signs of Autumn followed by a toasted marshmallow.

Our visit to our local library. We loved choosing books and sharing them with each other.

Our first PE lesson exploring different ways of moving safely in the space around us.

New bike helmets have arrived in Water Class. We have sorted our old helmets and talked about staying safe on bikes at home and in school.

We have been exploring our environment with our friends. 

Here is some more information about reading Wordless Picture Books

We have loved sharing our photos and toys from home and finding out what makes us special.

The classroom is ready for lots of fun! We can't wait to see you all on Monday for your first day at school. X

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Aylesham   with easyfundraising?
There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
1. Go to and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Aylesham   at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Aylesham   will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.

Water Class 2020-2021 Thank you for the memories!

Winner of our class medal!

Inspired by the Tokyo Olympics we have made medals and thought about what makes a great Olympic athelete.

Our final Balanceability session of the year. We have all made great progress in our balance, speed, control and resilience.

Exploring Forest School. Developing our thinking skills, focusing and thinking of new ideas.

A week of problem solving with bridge building and boat designing. Children have worked together to build the longest strongest bridge and found out the best materials for a successful boat!

Finding out how we have changed this school year. We have looked carefully at ourselves and drawn pictures of each other.

Using our own ideas we have found new ways to pour and collect water.

Exploring our wonderful outside area!

A fun day at the East Kent Railway! We enjoyed a train ride and explored the model railway followed by a picnic.

Fizz Pop science arrived showing us exciting ways to travel!

We have been learning about The Church this week and created models of St Finbarr's Church

We have designed vehicles with our friends and now we have been able to build them and play with them. We are very proud of them!

We have cared for our butterflies so well and now they are ready to be free! We have said goodbye and watched them fly.

This week we have explored the book 'We are going on a bear hunt 'and inspired by the story the children created their own bear hunt in our outside area!

Our Painted Lady Butterflies have finally arrived! We were very excited to see them and we have enjoyed watching them throughout the day. In a few days we will set them free.

A fantastic Forest School Day! We have been leaf bashing, flag making, bug hunting and we enjoyed a delicious marshmallow around the fire.

We have had a fantastic week building on all the different skills we have learned this term. We have celebrated our new knowledge and shared our ideas on our Learning Journey

'Holy Spirit make us strong.'We have thought about Pentecost this week.

We have a Garden Centre in class. We have been busy shopping, working and restocking the shelves with wonderful creations.

Paper plate farm animals have arrived in Water Class.

We had a fantastic morning retelling the story of the BFG through dance.

In celebration of St George's day we have designed our own of Coat of Arms, flags and built castles from our Kit Camp

We have been very busy learning about our new topic, building farms and finding out which shapes can roll.

We have had lots of fun and Easter activities this week!

The Easter Bunny has visited us! We had great fun searching for eggs!

We have been thinking about Jesus this week and made Prayer Gardens in small groups.

What do minibeasts like to eat? We thought about this question and recorded our ideas. We left them in our garden and checked each day to see which food had been eaten.

Using our new knowledge of different minibeasts we have created minibeast families by painting different sized pebbles.

We have created a wormery and looked at the things worms need to survive. We will care for the worms for the next few days. We are enjoying this new responsibility

Water Class have enjoyed a Balance Bike session . We have practised skills in gliding, steering and speed control.

Our Class Prefects!

Welcome back! We have had so much fun exploring and seeing our friends

World Book Day at home and in school

We Wish You A Very Merry Christmas!

Still image for this video

Congratulations to our Class Medal Winner Logan! He has achieved so much since September. He is incredibly resilient, he never gives up trying and is always smiling! Keep it up Logan!

Christmas dinner

Christmas Story afternoon

We have been enjoying the Cbeebies Christmas Pantomime today in school. If your child would like to watch it again here is the link

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This week is Road Safety Week. We have been talking about how to stay safe when crossing the roads.

Remembrance Day

Can you play your instrument loudly? Yes they can! We have been exploring different ways to create sound.

This morning, we have been exploring the Autumn leaves and creating a small world listening walk. We were very excited to find a few woodlice among the leaves!

We have been making our own collections of 1, 2 and 3

We have been creative using sticks, shells and stones

We have enjoyed NHS visitors Fantastic Fred. They have been helping us to understand how to stay healthy and support our mental health and well-being. They made us laugh and we have learnt a lot this morning.

Our first Forest School day. We have been fence building and learning to keep trying even when something feels tricky.

This week we have been reading the book The Colour Monster. We have created feeling jars using lots of different items in our creative area that are the same colour.

Our first full time week exploring and learning.

We have been making new friends in Water Class. We have painted pictures of our new friends for our gallery.

Hello Autumn! Exploring outside whatever the weather.

Today we have been Puzzle Partners! Making new friends, working together and helping each other. Building resilience!

Water Class have had an amazing first two weeks together and the children have grown in confidence and made new friends! smileyThey coped extremely well in their new environment and played happily together.


Over these two weeks, we have really enjoyed a new book called 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers which is part of a whole school project. There have been lots of fun, creative and engaging activities that have given us plenty to talk about together we have shared some fantastic thoughts and ideas. See below for photographs of us playing and exploring our new environment.


Our first 2 weeks together exploring and getting know each other

Fun in the snow
