
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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Autumn Term RE Learning and Catholic Life Newsletter for Parents

Crowning of Mary

Father Jamie lead our Keystage 1 Mass for The feast of St Joseph

We made models of St Finbar's church


Our Big Little Natvitiy

Keystage 1 Mass

Other Faiths - Judaism - Retelling the story of Abraham

Our prayer leader leads the class in prayer

Abbigail's home prayer for Remembrance


We have been learning about Baptism.

Dolphin class retold the story 'Let the children come to me'

Responding and celebrating our RE topic on family

Our class values linked to our school moto!

We sat in the peace garden to wonder about all the beautiful things God has made for us and we created a class prayer. The children made chalk pictures of all the lovely things.

Dolphin class retold the story of Zacchius the Tax collector during RE

Dolphin class joined the Rosary club

May is the month of Mary

Some beautiful learning from Chester

Cafod workshop

Dolphin class role played welcoming the parish family to church. They read prayers and sang hymns.

Keystage 1 assembly

Sunbears and Dolphin class performed the Nativity

Taking part in the Remembrance Parade, Market Square, Aylesham

This term these children have written prayers for our class 'Prayer book' at home.

Other Faiths - Divali - Mrs Austin shared some pictures and resources from her visit to India- The children were encouraged to ask 'I wonder..' questions as they passed the artefacts around.

Other faiths - Divali - We talked about Divali and compared it to our own Christian celebrations that we have. They made lanterns, rangoli patterns and dressed up in Mrs Austin's Sari.

We remembered St Vincent De Paul and listened to all the good charity work led by the SVP and Mini Vinnies.

We went outside to look at everything God takes care of. We sat in the prayer garden and created a shared prayer. The children drew chalk pictures to thank God.

Father Geoff welcomed us all back to school and reminded us about 'Friendship'

The children prepare the focal area and lead us in prayer for worship.

Dolphin class learnt that Psalms tell us about God's love for us. They made prayer hands to show thanks to God.
