
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


Home Page

Dolphin - Year 1

Welcome to Dolphin class!


Jelly Bean Prayer
Red is for the blood you gave, 
and black is for the empty grave. 
Yellow is for the shining sun, 
white is for the new life begun. 
Green is for the grass and trees 
and purple is for your majesty. 
Orange is for the edge of night, 
and pink is for the morning light. 

Term 6

We made it!

Where has this year gone?

I am incredibly proud of every single one of you and I am very sad that we only have 8 weeks left together.

So, lets make it an unforgettable one!

We have lots of exciting things planned this term, Forest School, a trip to Kearsney Abbey, Sports day, Summer fair and lots more!!


If you click on the Curriculum Journey star below it will tell you all about our exciting learning this term!


We are looking forward to welcoming you all on Monday.

Mrs Austin, Miss Kirby and Miss Hanif😊


Key Information for June 2024


 **Please wear your PE kit to school on a Mondays and Thursdays**



Forest school begins this Tuesday (4th June). Please read information provided by Sports Giants for kit list. Children will need to come dressed in own clothes but please bring a spare pair of shoes to change into. Please ensure they bring a clearly labelled bag with their belongings and ensure every item of clothing is labelled to avoid confusion.


 Please bring Reading Records to school every day as we may read with your child during the day. 

Our normal school day will be 8.35am - 3.15pm

Please continue to practice putting on hats, gloves, coats, shoes, jumpers, zips and buttons at home.It will probably be a hot term so please ensure your child has a sun hat, water bottle and suncream ( either applied at home or sent in with permission)

Please name all jumpers, hats, gloves, scarves, coats, shoes, packed lunch bags/boxes



Dolphin class invited their families to join in with some fun activities on Friday afternoon

Our trip to Kearsney Abbey

Forest school

World Culture day

DT- Dolphin class made fruit salad

Dolphin's Victorian day

Tommy's dad came in and told us what school was like when he was at St Joseph's

kcsp science day! Dolphin and Sunbears investigating how to stop apples going brown.

World book day

Japanese student visit workshops

Mini beast hunting in micro habitats

Mrs Austin has been running for Royal Marsden cancer charity amd the children joined in!

We have been learning about 3D and 2D shapes

Christmas craft mornimg with families

This term Dolphin class are learning gymnastics with Sports Giants

Science, sorting and identifying materials around the classroom

The Dog Trust visit

Lots of independent maths learning taking place during CP time.

Some of the incredible home learning they have bought into show!

Naming and labelling dinosaur parts

Dino dens and eggs at Forest school

Creating dinosaur landscapes

Exploring herbivore and carnivore dinosaur

Forest school fun! Making fossils

Dolphin class has had a makeover! Our Continuous Provision has been updated with lots of amazing resources!

Dolphin class have settled in and are enjoying the rainbow challenges and Continous Provision areas
