
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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Penguin - Year 5 and 6

Love God      Love Learning       Love Life

In Year 5 and  6 our CAFOD focus is 


The dignity of work and participation.


Penguin Class  - Term 6


 Term 5 Prayer 


Dear Lord,

In this season of renewal, 

we pray in thanksgiving for the many blessings You give us. 

May our words and deeds today, and always, 

serve as reminders of the transformative power of Your love. 





Welcome back, I hope everyone had a lovely rest, despite the rain sad


It seems incredible that we are approaching our last term of the school year - hasn't it flown by?

We have many exciting events happening this term including: Year 5 Children's conference, Year 5 Taster day at St Anselms,  an in school science afternoon with St Anselms science department, The infamous I-Rock concert, Summer Fayre, Year 6 Transition Day, Rounders tournament which will be held at St Anselms, Sports Day, Year 6 parents tea party, to top it all off the Penguin class production and finally, to finish their time at  St Josephs, the Year 6 camping treat. On top of all this, we will of course be completing lots of  exciting learning in class.

We will be continuing with our topic from last term "Off with her head", as there is so much more to learn.

Wow - How are we going to fit it all in?

As the weather will, hopefully, be getting warmer, please make sure all children are sent to school with a water bottle everyday.


PE days will still be on a Monday and Thursday - Please wear PE kit to school on these days.




Mrs Simpson and Mrs Clipstone.


    Respect.    Play safe.    Right to learn.



Now that we are in years 5 and 6

New things will be added to the learning mix

Difficult calculations, forms of writing

Each term will be so exciting.



**Please wear your PE kit to school on  Mondays and Thursdays 




Thursday 11th July - Sports Day! We all had a fantastic morning in the sunshine, Year 6 enjoyed their last Sports Day.

Transition Day - We had a great day and enjoyed some team building exercises.

Tuesday 25th June 2024 - Class Trip to Deal Castle - We had a wonderful day in the sunshine and after the castle enjoyed an ice cream on the pier.

18th June - St Anselm's Science Workshop.

Wednesday 5th June 2024 - KCSP First Children's Conference - We took part in workshops with Lucy Strange, Zohab Zee Khan and the wonderful Michael Rosen! We all thoroughly enjoyed the day!

Tuesday 4th June - Shadows - Science - L.I: I know when a light source is close to an object the shadow is large and when a light source moves further away from an object the shadow is small.

Friday 24th May 2024 - Cultural Day - Celebrating all of our cultures.

Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Mary Walk.

Tuesday 21st May 2024 - Tudor dancing.

Tuesday 21st May 2024 - PCSO visit to talk about staying safe online.

Friday 17th May 2024 - Pathway to the Paris Olympics - Rugby

Congratulations Year 6 for completing your SATS Tests.

Friday 26th April 2024 - Science - L.I: I know that light travels in straight lines. I can report and present findings from enquiries, including conclusions.

Wednesday 24th April 2024 - Year 5/6 Deanery Netball and Football Tournament at St Anselm's School. Congratulations to our teams for great teamwork and sportsmanship that was shown consistently throughout the day. Both boys and girls netball teams won and both boys and girls football teams earned 2nd place! Well done.

Tuesday 23rd April 2024 - Captain Wonder Web and the Esteem Machine performance.

Tuesday 26th March - Our last forest school session of this year!

Tuesday 26th March - Science - Pig heart dissection. We watched an informative video and then carried out our own dissections.

Tuesday 19th March - Forest school - We made flatbread with garlic butter and finished our bird boxes.

Tuesday 12th March 2024 - Forest school, we had a great day in the rain and mud!

Tuesday 12th March - Charity sponsored bounce.

Friday 8th March 2024 - KCSP Science Day - Which biscuit is best for dunking?

Thursday 7th March 2024 - World Book Day.

Monday 4th March 2024 - We had a visit from Japanese students who taught us some Japanese words, how to write our names in Japanese and how to make Samurai hats out of newspaper.

Friday 1st March 2024 - Science - We made blood smoothies (from fruit, juice, marshmallows and sprinkles).

6th February 2024 - Forest School.

19th January 2024 - STEM science - We took part in the Glider Challenge.

16th January - Forest school - We built a fire and made pancakes.

9th January - Forest school - We learnt how to build different fires, tie different knots and then went outside to build our fire.

2nd January 2024 - Forest School. We made coat hangers, trenches to keep camp dry and split logs ready for our fire.

5th December 2023 - We enjoyed learning Jingle Bells in music this week with Mrs Asher.

1st December 2023 - Advent Fireworks - We had a wonderful evening.

30th November 2023 - Panto! We had a great time watching the Cinderella pantomime.

24th November 2023 - Penguin Class had a great time running the stalls at this years Christmas Fair.

15th November 2023 - Electricity - I can associate the brightness of a bulb with the number and voltage of cells used in a circuit.

3rd November 2023 - Archaeologist visit - Dr Paul Wilkinson gave us a talk about historical archaeological findings in Aylesham in recent years.

Dogs Trust Assembly and Workshop - 1st November 2023 - How to Behave Safely Around Dogs.

Our first science investigation dissecting, sketching and labelling a flower

Visit to Aylesham Heritage Centre - Monday 11th September 2023
