Behaviour Policy and Zones of Regulation
Each year we update our behaviour policy so that it is inline with government behaviour expectations and aligned with our school motto.
We believe that every pupil has the right to learn, and every teacher has the right to teach at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School. We expect all members of our school community to demonstrate these values in their behaviour and interactions with others. Good behaviour is fundamental to success in the classroom for both pupils and teachers. A well planned and delivered curriculum enables pupils to learn, ask questions, debate, and challenge themselves. Consistently managed behaviour encourages learning to take place. Behaviour expectations are taught, modelled and rewarded. All behaviour is a form of communication and as such we are committed to supporting children to recognise their misbehaviour and correct it.
From September, we will be working with the children to introduce a common language for describing feelings and emotions. This is based on 'Zones of Regulation'. Children in Reception will be introduced to these by using the book 'The Colour Monster'.
The Zones of Regulation® is a framework for teaching children strategies for emotional and sensory self-management. The zones help children identify how they are feeling in the moment according to their emotions and level of alertness, as well as guide them to strategies to support regulation. There are four colours or ‘Zones’ blue, green, yellow and red.
Blue Zone - used to describe low states of alertness and down feelings such as when one feels sad, tired, sick, or bored.
Green Zone - used to describe a calm state of alertness. A pupil may be described as happy, focused, content or ready to learn when in the Green Zone. This is the zone where optimal learning occurs.
Yellow Zone - also used to describe a heightened state of alertness and elevated emotions; however, individuals have more control when they are in the Yellow Zone. A pupil may be experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, the wiggles, or nervousness when in the Yellow Zone.
Red Zone - used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness and intense emotions. A pupil may be elated, euphoric, or experiencing anger, rage, explosive behaviour, devastation, or terror when in the Red Zone.
Why Zones of Regulation:
We encourage pupils to self-regulate and use the Zones of Regulation to help manage their emotions. This approach helps pupils to develop an understanding of their own emotional state and provides them with strategies to regulate their behaviour. The Zones of Regulation are used to help pupils regulate their emotions and understand their feelings. Pupils are encouraged to identify when they are in each zone and use strategies to move to a more regulated state. When pupils are able to recognise their emotions and self-regulate this is seen as a positive response to their behaviour.
Parents role in supporting behaviour:
• We believe that promoting positive behaviour is a shared responsibility between pupils, parents, and staff. We encourage parents to support our behaviour policy and work in partnership with us to ensure a positive learning environment for all.
• If parents have a concern about behaviour, they should initially contact the class teacher. If the concern remains, they should contact the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.
Acceptable and Unacceptable Behaviour:
• We expect all pupils to follow our school motto and demonstrate positive behaviour towards their peers, staff, and the environment. Pupils are expected to behave in a respectful and responsible manner towards themselves and others.
• We encourage pupils to self-regulate and use the Zones of Regulation to help manage their emotions.
• Pupils who display unacceptable or dangerous behaviour, such as bullying, aggression or defiance, will be given sanctions.
Unacceptable behaviour:
Our approach to managing unacceptable behaviour will depend on the nature of the behaviour. Dysregulation will be approached with Zones of Regulation. Adults will ‘connect before correcting’. This is because it is helpful for a pupil, who is still learning about emotions, for an adult to connect with their feelings before providing teaching or correction on their behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour or dangerous behaviour will always be challenged and sanctioned, no matter how small. This sanction may be delayed and applied once the pupils is calm and able to talk about the incident. See crisis management below. Sexual harassment and or violence is not tolerated here. We recognise that some pupils may not be emotional aware of behaviour that might be recognised as sexual harassment. All behaviour in this category will be dealt with in line with this policy and the safeguarding policy. Where sanction/interventions are used, these should be given in a quiet, non-public and low key way, to protect the dignity of the child.
We encourage good behaviour by:
• unconditional positive regard for all
• good classroom management including well-defined routines
• being calm, fair, firm, clear, consistent, positive and understanding
• praising good behaviour as it occurs
• explaining and role modelling the behaviour we want to see
• encouraging the pupils to use and reflect on our core values
• explaining reasons for any sanctions
• using ‘Pausing to be’ and ‘Reflection Time’ (brain breaks) in class to create a positive climate for learning.
Unacceptable and dangerous behaviour includes:
• ignoring reasonable instructions
• answering back, rudeness or aggression
• making unkind/ derogatory remarks
• damaging property
• stealing
• biting, spitting, hitting and kicking (towards adults or children)
• swearing
• racist comments
• harassment and/or bullying linked to the protected characteristics
• bullying
• touching other pupils inappropriately (including genitals, bottom)
• inappropriate online behaviour
Use of TeamTeach de-escalation strategies:
We recognise that some pupils may have additional needs and require additional support to manage their behaviour. We use TeamTeach de-escalation techniques to help support pupils, including those with special educational needs.
Rewarding to good behaviour:
When a pupil is living out the school motto or a pupil’s behaviour meets or goes above and beyond the expected behaviour standard, staff will recognise it with positive recognition and reward. This provides an opportunity for all staff to reinforce the school’s culture and ethos. Positive reinforcements and rewards will be applied clearly and fairly to reinforce the routines, expectations and norms of the school’s behaviour culture.
Positive behaviour will be rewarded with:
In class rewards
• Verbal praise from adult - immediate acknowledgement of what the child has done well
• House tokens – earned through demonstrating the school motto
• Showcasing learning to another class/staff member
• Headteacher rewards
• Class rewards
• Whole school rewards (celebration assembly stickers and certificates, trophies, cups and extra play)
• Lunchtime stickers
Children can be sent to the Headteacher for a gold sticker if the class teacher feels that the child’s behaviour or learning has merited it. These are awarded spontaneously as learning or behaviour allows.
Link to Behaviour Policy
Further information can be found in our Behaviour Policy.