
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


Home Page

Giraffe - Year 3 and 4



'Thinking of everyone'

The Common Good 


We are called to work for the good of each and of all.


Dear Lord,

In this season of renewal, 

we pray in thanksgiving for the many blessings You give us. 

May our words and deeds today, and always, 

serve as reminders of the transformative power of Your love. 





Giraffe Class - Term 1

WELCOME BACK! We all hope that you have had a wonderful summer and ready to achieve lots in your learning! 

Mrs Hunt and Mrs Chapman x



Please support your child in completing their daily reading, spellings and times tables. If you have any problems with accessing these, please do not hesitate to find a member of the Giraffe Class team. 


Giraffe class will be learning to play the UKULELES in small groups on Friday. Everything is provided for them to use in school. 

Key information:

  • PE kits need to worn to school on a Monday and Thursday. 
  • Home reading books need to be handed in on a Tuesday and Friday when they will be reviewed and changed.  
  • Water bottles in school everyday
  • Learning logs will be handed out on a Friday and need to be handed back on a Tuesday - please choose a task from the home learning menu.





Get to know the teaching staff in Giraffe Class!

Photos 2023-2024

Traffic survey - Canterbury road road/city wall

We learnt about how our body digests food!

We have been learning about our bodies

Traffic Survey at school

We have been learning how to make different colours!

We have been learning about St George - we made shields!

We have been preparing for the Olympics in Paris

Forest School Term 5

OS Maps of our local area

World Book Day 2024

We have been sorting human and physical geographical features

We have been learning about friction in our science learning

We had a super time at 'St Anselm's Team Building' event!

We have been exploring how light travels

We have been making coil bell beaker pots!

Christmas Panto Visit - Cinderella!

We have been learning to play with Ukuleles in Giraffe class

We have been sorting and classifying in our science learning

We have been learning about life process in our science learning

Dogs trust visit!

Forest School - Blue Abyss

Show racism the red card day - we are so proud of be wearing red in Giraffe class

History learning - The Battle of Marathon

We are so proud of our science home learning!

In out Art learning we have been making warps and wefts

We have been exploring low and high pitch

Black history Month - we shared traditional tales and made our own inspired masks

Sound spectacular learning!

Photos 2022-2023

STEM Science Morning - we had a great time creating and testing our safety cars!

KCSP Sports Athletics Event at the Julie Rose Stadium - we are so proud of our medals!

Kent Cricket Big School's Day Out - Kent VS Surrey

River Dour Trip - we got our toes wet!

We are so proud of our Anglo-Saxon home learning creating war shields!

We had a wonderful time a the team building day St Anselm's Secondary School

Anglo-Saxon traditions - we made necklaces using air dry clay!

Learning Together in Partnership - Fratelli Tutti - A letter from Pope Francis concerning our fraternal brothers and sisters of the world

We have made Viking long boats using our STEM equipment in our house teams to start our new project of Traders and Raiders

Learning Together in Partnership - Times Tables Parent Challenge Lesson!

We have been celebrating world book day 2023

In our science learning we have been investigating how our muscles work

In our talk for writing learning we have been creating portal stories - this is our washing line

We have been celebrating the NSPC Number day!

We have been looking at Skeletons in our Science learning

We have been learning about direct speech, we used pasta to hug what has been said

We have been developing our knowledge of supporting structures for our D&T learning

In our Predators learning we have been learning about Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores

We have been celebrating Black History Month - We learnt about Rosa Parks. She said NO to Racism, we say no to...

We used our drama skills to bring our own version of 'We all went on safari' to life!

We have written our own version of Childhood Tracks by James Berry - we held a poetry slam!

We had a Kent Road Safety Talk

We have been learning about sound in science - we have been thinking about how it travels and what happens if you a close or further away to a sound source.

We went to Dover Museum to learn about the Romans, we also did some thinking back to last year when we learnt about the Bronze Age.

We have been learning about Roman Numerals!

Some of the children have been estimating on number lines

Photos 2021-2022

We had a lovely day out at Kent Cricket's Big School Day Out!