
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


Home Page

Remote Learning


Thank you for supporting your child with their Remote Learning. 

Please telephone the office if you need Remote Learning. 




While you are at home, please access our online ebook reading scheme Collins Harper Big Cat scheme. You will be allocated books by your teacher that match your child's phonics learning. Please read at least once a day. Encourage your child to sound out the words and blend them back together. If you cannot find your login please email




PE - Visit Sport England for lots of different ways to stay active and healthy for all the family



Visit Purplemash for a range of educational activities that are child friendly. I will set some activities each week but there are many more that your child can access


A brilliant website with lots of fun phonics games and has a free access login and password.


Username: jan21

Password: home


Try this game which is great for practising blending. Use all phase 2,3,4 and 5 sounds

Please visit Spelling Shed where there are spelling games and phonics practice waiting for you. Do let me know if you need any help with this. 

Think creatively


Lego has been really popular with some of you so I will leave this link here for a few more weeks. 


Here are some lego engineer ideas. Like a second language, engineering skills are most valuable taught at a young age. So have a go at some of the challenges below.


If you don’t have lego, you can use any construction resources or anything that you can build with.
