
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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New Reception Starters

Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School.


Reception Class at St Joseph's is a fun, multi-sensory, hands-on learning environment which supports each child in making their next step of learning. We have a large, purpose built Reception Class with self contained toilets inside the Reception Class area. Outside, we have a wonderful wide open space dedicated to the Reception children to explore and enjoy including a climbing frame, trikes, sandpit and plenty of room to run around. 


We engage in all areas of the Early Years Curriculum in our outdoor and indoor classrooms.  We plan and assess using the 7 areas of Learning and the Characteristics of Effective learning identified in the Early Years Curriculum.


When children join St Joseph's we ensure: 

  • A smooth transition from Nursery to Reception and Reception to Year One.
  • Strong links with parents from the earliest opportunity.
  • A start to school appropriate to the developmental needs of all the children.
  • An environment where all the children are safe, happy and secure.


Each child will receive a Home Visit from our Class Teacher before they start school. This helps us to get to know you and your child and offers you an opportunity to share any concerns or ask any questions you may have about this important time in your child's life.  The children will also be invited to a short classroom visit to meet the Sun Bear Team in the Summer Term before September and to get to know other children that will be in their class and the layout of their classroom.  We will also invite you to join in with a Sun Bear picnic to give you a further opportunity to explore the classroom and speak to the team. We will also liaise with each child’s preschool setting and key workers during the summer term before they start school. 


To visit our school and meet our Academy Principal please call the school office: Tel: 01304 840370


To see our Reception Class in action please click this link: Sun Bear - Reception | St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School (


To understand more about our Reception Class Curriculum EYFS | St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School (


Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club can be accessed by contacting Kaleidoscope Nursery Aylesham (
