
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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Our Catholic Life

Autumn Term RE Learning and Catholic Life Newsletter 2023

We made friendship bridges

We have been learning about Pentecost

Stations of the Cross

Washing of the feet

Lent Class Mass with Father Jamie

Local Community - we have been learning about our special parish community and all that it does

Christ the King! The backwards King!

All Saints Mass 2023 - St Finbarr's Church - Father Leo

We are proud of our class family

Giraffe Class Mass - Oct 2023

Welcome to back to school Mass

Giraffe Class Showcase - Stations of the Cross

We have been learning the Gloria, the children spent time creating a song and actions that we will be sharing at the next Mass

We have learnt the story 'The Stone Soup.' The children have chosen to create their own stone soup - more photos will follow soon!!

Candle Mass - Father Leo - Feb

We really enjoyed our CAFOD workshop and assembly focusing on the importance of the Catholic Social Teachings

We have been planting bulbs for our not so ordinary time! We are going to try our hardest to help them flourish!

We have been thinking about the signs and symbols during the significant events of the Church year.

Advent 2022 - Giraffe Class Jesse Tree

Taking part in the Remembrance Parade, Market Square, Aylesham

We have celebrated our Harvest Mass

We have been giving thanks in the response at the end of our RE topic - Homes

KS2 Mass with Father Leo

We have started our new Giraffe class home prayer book!

We have been reflecting about the passing of Queen Elizabeth II

Welcome Mass 2022/2023

We have been learning our lunch time prayer and enjoying our prayer leader roles!

We have been using the school motto to plan how we are going to be living our lives in Giraffe class!

Taking time to pray at home and at school is very important to us all

We have been thinking about the path to forgiveness
