
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


Home Page

Gallery of Events

Coronation Picnic 4/5/23

Red Nose Day 2022

Science Week - Fizz Pop Science

May is the Month of Mary - Crowning of Mary in St. Finbar's

Green Ribbon Day - Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness October 2020 - Fantastic Fred

House Events: Lent Promises and Pancakes

Safer Internet Day 2020 #freetobe

The History Project - Metal Detecting

Christmas Fun

Bonfire Night

Leaver's Mass

Blessing Ceremony for Our New Outdoor Equipment

Summer Fayre

Easter Play

Easter Parade

The Virtual Orchestra

Science Competition Assembly

House Events for Science Week

Popcorn and Pillow

We welcome our visitors from Japan

Year 5 Sharing their Power of Pictures Stories

Tag Rugby Tournament

Fun on the Pirate Ship


Christmas Dinner

Cooking competition

Harvest Assembly

Children in Need Bring and Buy Sale

'Bach' To the Future

Fireworks Night

2018 Colour Run

No Smoking Signs

Mass to celebrate the start of a new school year

Air Class - Easter Play

Easter Parade

Robiotics - Robots in Space

Science Week at St. Joseph's

Mother's Day assembly

Lenten breakfast

Councillor Keen meets the designers of the Safety Road Signs

Christmas Mass

Christmas Character Walk!

Christmas Fayre

The Christmas Tree Natvity!

Singing at the Eurotunnel Terminal, Folkestone

Water Class at Forest School

Bonfire night celebrations

Preparing our vegetables to make soup for after mass

Harvesting the crops we have grown.

Celebrating Harvest Mass

Curling Year 2

Easter Celebrations

Road sign designers deciding where their signs should go.

Cleaning staff cars to raise money for our Lenten charity.

Parents and families joined us for a Lenten breakfast.

We joined members of the community at St Finbarr's for Ash Wednesday.

Workshops with our visiting Japanese students.

100% Attendance Afternoon Tea Trip!


We presented the cheque to Wingham Wildlife Park and had a sneak peak at the chimpanzees

Firework night

Harvest at St Joseph's

After 23 dedicated years we said a sad goodbye to Karen!

We had fun at the `Family Fun Run`. Children, Staff and Parents all enjoyed themselves. First we warmed up in the hall then we ran 5 laps of the playground.

We hope you enjoy looking at some great examples of children's learning and school events.