
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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Curriculum Journey

Term 4 - Street Detectives


This way or that way? Where should we go? Up to the local shops or down to the playing fields? Let’s learn about our local community, looking at houses old and new and finding out how our streets have changed since our mums and dads were young. Perhaps your granny or grandpa went to your school or maybe they worked in the baker’s shop? Make maps and plans of the streets around us, planning our routes. What can you see? What can we find? Whereabouts do you live? Do you know your address? Find out how to write instructions, directions, adverts and learn rhymes all about our community from different times. When the Lord Mayor writes and asks us to help make our street a better place, it’s time to get your thinking caps on and paintbrushes at the ready. Ready to roll, Street Detectives? Get your clipboards and cameras – it’s time to start investigating.


Term 3 - Movers and Shakers


This project teaches children about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will learn to use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people featured and use historical models to explore their significance.


Term 1 - Land Ahoy!


Yo ho, yo ho, it’s a sailor’s life for me. Get your sea legs on, it’s time to sail the salty seas. Navigate, investigate and explore the world, just like Captain Cook. Make a boat, sink a ship, fly a pirate flag. Speak like a pirate, write like a poet, then weigh and measure a pirate’s booty. How do rescues happen at sea? Find out about brave volunteers and young Miss Darling, rowing her boat across stormy seas. Sing a sea shanty whilst cleaning the poop deck, then search the school grounds for Captain Longbeard’s hidden treasure. There’s land ahead. Let’s get this ship to port.

Curriculum Journey 2022-23

Term 6 - Wriggle and Crawl

Grab your coat – we’re going out and about on a minibeast hunt. Sweep your nets in ponds and lift up logs to see who’s home. Then set up a minibeast laboratory and observe their every move. Add notes and labels and ask research questions, just like a real entomologist. Learn about bees and worms and butterflies too. Can you make a food chain to show who eats who? Carry out investigations to find out more, like how far a snail travels in a day and how a spider catches its prey. Then animate to show how your favourite bug transforms from one form to another, perhaps a caterpillar to a butterfly or a maggot to a fly. On your belly, legs at the ready, it’s time to wriggle and crawl.

Term 5 - Coastlines


In this topic we will be exploring the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom in our new topic Coastline. We will learn about different coastal features and dangers at the coast.


Our visit to our local library! We had so much fun exploring all of the books!

We explored the allotment at our local community centre and helped to plant a variety of seeds!

We supported our classmates during their iROCK concert!

Mrs Asher brought in her puppets for us to explore! We used different skills to move the puppets and we even made them dance to some music!

Term 3 - Muck, Mess and Mixtures


Let’s get messy. Muck and mess are good. In fact, they're marvellous. Dive in and get your hands and feet all sticky and covered in paint. Play with liquids, squish some dough and check out the slushiest and mushiest foods. Pour, mix, stir, splat. How does it feel to get your hands covered in goo? Make a wobbly jelly and draw with wibbly clay. There are loads of scrummy words to describe messy mixtures. Work with paint and other squelchy stuff to create a new gallery space. What will you make? How will you arrange it? How will the gallery make you and your visitors feel? Don’t worry about the mess – it’ll always wash.


Our Messy Morning!

We behaved like real street detectives and investigated our local area.

Pirate Day! - 21.10.2022

For our final PE lesson this term we used the giant parachute - 20.10.2022

Colour Run - 30.9.2022
