
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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Our Catholic Life

Autumn Term Learning and Catholic Life - parent information

We have been learning about Judaism and the story of the oil lamp. We have created Menorahs to remind us of this story.

We have created poppies as part of our Remembrance understanding and laid them together on our whole class display.

We have changed our focal area to green as we are in Ordinary Time.

We have enjoyed learning about prayer during our worship this term and our Prayer Leaders have proudly led us in our daily prayer.

We have explored the Baptism story and retold this story through our play.

Changing our focal area to Blue as we reflect and learn about Mary.

We have enjoyed changing our focal area as we return to Ordinary Time.

Creating Queen of Heaven art.

Our visit to Church to crown Mary and lay flowers.

Our wonderful Mary gardens

We have changed our focal area to blue to remember Mary.

We have been learning about the Holy Spirit.

We have learnt about the importance of Palm Sunday and created a procession around the school.

We have been on a nature prayer walk and collected things that we connected with. We spent time in prayer and reflection time.

We have learnt the story of Jesus in the wilderness. We have retold this story as a class and in groups.

Father Leo has visited us for Ash Wednesday.

Changing our focal area to purple for Lent.

We have thought about how we can grow in love to be more like Jesus during Lent and recorded our ideas on heart shaped leaves on our Lentern tree.

We have visited St Finbarr's Church. We talked about gathering for Mass to listen to God's Word.

Changing our focal area from gold to green to return to Ordinary Time.

Preparing for and taking part in our Christingle service.

Preparing our focal area for Advent.

Remembrance Parade in the Market Square, Aylesham Community

Exploring important artefacts from Judaism.

Retelling the important story of Zaccheus

Changing our focal area back to green for Ordinary Time.

We have been learning how we can be welcomed into God's family through Baptism.

We have made hand prints as a sign of how we are welcome in our class, our school and into God's family.

We have made palm prints with our names to remember that God knows our names and loves us.

Preparing our focal area for the month of Mary

Playing instrumentso to celebrate and praise God

Prayer & reflections in our Prayerful Area

Our prayer leaders sharing prayers with the class

We experienced the joy of Pentecost by catching bubbles & made windmills to remember the power of the Holy Spirit.

Preparing our focal area.

Exploring the rosary

Creating Mary art

Preparing our Focal Area for the month of Mary

We celebrated our Easter Gardens with a parade.

Holy Sprit make me strong!

Our Stations of the Cross

We have been learning that Jesus is the Light of the World

We have celebrated St Joseph's Day

We have enjoyed decorating and celebrating our class focal area this term.
