
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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Curriculum journey

Towers, Tunnels and Turrets

Climbing the battlements or tunnelling in the ground, there’s a whole world of adventure and fun to be found!

This term, we will visit a real castle to explore the towers, battlements and maybe a secret tunnel or two! We’ll learn all about the different parts of a castle and describe how they have changed over time. Using a wide range of materials, we’ll build models of castles and test the strength of our structures. Maps and photographs will help us learn about the tallest buildings and the longest tunnels in the world. We’ll find out about the amazing Victorian engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and improve our PE skills by playing attacking and defending games.

At the end of our project, we’ll have so much to share! We’ll display our amazing structures and share our knowledge in a special parent workshop.

Help your child prepare for their project

Towers, tunnels and turrets are everywhere! Why not visit a castle, big wheel or tower? Look at the materials the structure is made of to decide why the materials were chosen. You could also use blocks or stones to create tall towers. How high can you go? Alternatively, play Jenga together and see if you can work out how to make the tower stay strong, even when you have removed some of the blocks!




