
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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Mini Vinnies

Who are the Mini Vinnies?


‘Mini Vinnies’ is the name for a St Vincent de Paul Group for primary aged children. They form part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. Mini Vinnies meet to pray, discuss and support however they can to help make a difference in their communities. 

Mini Vinnies at St. Joseph's meet once a week at lunch time with Ms Honis.

Mini Vinnies delivering hampers and singing Christmas carols.

Mini Vinnies have been busy putting together Christmas hampers with donations from the harvest charity.

Helping out at the SVP Christmas party at St. Finbarr's

SVP afternoon tea

Helping at Wednesday Tea

The Mini Vinnies went to St Finbarr's Church on Wednesday 29th June to help with the Wednesday tea. This is a monthly event for villagers. It helps raise money for the St Vincent De Paul Society which helps people in need and is the adult version of the MiniVinnies. 


The children donated cakes and the villagers sampled cakes from Spain and India. They helped set up tables and serve the villagers. They drew the raffle and called the winning numbers. When they were asked to sing a song they chose Our God is a Great Big God and did the actions. The smiles on the villagers faces and applause said it all.


It was lovely to hear the children sharing what they do as MiniVinnies in school with the villagers. At the end the MiniVinnies were given thanks for all they did and are definitely invited back again!
