
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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Human Dignity

‘Every person is worthy of our giving...they are God’s handiwork, his creation. God created that person in his image, and he or she reflects something of God’s glory. Every human being is the object of God’s infinite tenderness, and he himself is present in their lives.’ Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) #274, 2013


Each of us is made in God’s image. Every person has an innate human dignity no one can take away. Our common humanity requires that we respect and uphold the dignity of each and every human being. Everything else flows from this dignity.


Ways we show human dignity at St. Joseph's:


Staying safe online and celebrating Safer Internet Day

Our behaviour policy

Being an inclusive school

Anti-bullying week

PSHE lessons and across the curriculum

Learning about other faiths and cultures

Fundraising for charities eg. Porchlight, a homeless charity, Place2Be, a children's mental health charity

Celebrating Black History Month

Adaptation in classes


