
St Joseph'sCatholic Primary School


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2.11.2023 Remote Learning

Good morning Penguin class.

First,  I hope you are nice and warm in your homes. 

The weather is looking much better tomorrow and we will be back in class as normal.


While you are at home, I have set some home learning for you all to complete.

Please see below

Mrs Simpson

This home learning is based on our new topic Maafa.


L.I I can use research to find information about a significant figure.

Choose and research a significant black figure from the present day from sport, music, politics, education, art, theatre, film, human rights or the local community.

Create an information poster about your chosen figure using paper and art materials or computer software. Please write a paragraph on the information you have found.

We will use your wonderful learning for our display wall.

Please remember to read and log into your Boom reading account.

Spelling test tomorrow - Some revision would be good also wink
