Giraffe Class Mass
Wednesday 22nd January - Father Goodwin
Wednesday 22nd January - Father Goodwin
It was wonderful to have so many parents, grandparents and aunties come to our first sparkle and shine event.
Isaiah 40: 1-3
Term 3 - Advent - Loving
We have been learning about the key features of the inside and outside of a synagogue.
Some children in Giraffe Class created the significant symbols for Baptism using modelling clay. The children were able to share why they are special. For example the dove represents the holy spirit, the water is giving life as nothing can live without water and the candle reminds us all to be little beacons of light.
In our learning this term we have been considering the importance of the promise of Baptism.
Who is in your family photo?
Term 1 Home Learning - Season of Creation
Wednesday 2nd October 2024